Should we get wisdom tooth extracted for orthodontic treatment?

Will wisdom tooth ruin the orthodontic treatment if not extracted? Will they make front teeth crooked again?

crowded anterior teeth
lower incisor crowding

The answer is no.

Wisdom tooth does not have enough force to push the entire arch. When there is room ahead of it, it will move. But if it is in contact with second molar and other teeth, the wisdom tooth stops moving.

According to Dr. Ades’s article (published in 1990), lower anterior teeth became more crowded 10 years later whether wisdom teeth were extracted or not. Similar results were found in people who did not underwent orthodontic treatment as well.

Take home message is, you don’t have to get the wisdom teeth extracted solely to improve stability of orthodontic treatment.

Ades, A.G., Joondeph, D.R., Little, R.M. and Chapko, M.K., 1990. A long-term study of the relationship of third molars to changes in the mandibular dental arch. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics97(4), pp.323-335.