Orthodontic plier guide for beginners

When I started my orthodontic residency at St.Louis University, I received a list of pliers that I need to bring before the program starts. I still use many of them but I never used a few of them after finishing my orthodontic training. Here, I’m going to show you what pliers are really needed and what may be waste of money.

Orthodontic plier brands

I personally like pliers by TASK. I used Ortho-pli at orthodontic residency and it is decent products with reasonable price. I still use most of them.

St.Louis University Orthodontic program
St.Louis University Orthodontic resident program

I tried other brands at my private practice. Dentaurum plier handle was long for me and my staffs. I felt less control than smaller pliers.

My pick: TASK is my favorite orthodontic plier brands. Its compact size make it

Task is a Japanese company which specializes in orthodontic, surgical, and labaratory pliers. My staffs also likes Task pliers the best.

Basic set-up

basic orthodontic pliers

Plier setup at my practice


Weingart plier

Distal end cutter

NiTi cinch back plier

Pin cutter

Bird beak plier

Three-prong plier

Optical plier

Step-bend plier

Hollow chop plier

Bracket and tube-related

Bracket holder- anteriors

Bracket holder- posteriors

Tube holder

Bracket remover- metal

Bracket removing plier – angulated

Ortho-pli #098-A – Bracket Removing Plier (Angulated)

I use this plier to remove metal brackets and tube on any tooth- anterior or posterior. This is a universal appliances.

Bracket remover- ceramic

Ceramic debonding plier

How to remove ceramic brackets (video)

Convertible cap removing plier(video)

From TASK catalogue


Separating plier

Band pusher/ scaler

Band remover

Band cement remover

I found band remover on the right works better with most cases. Band remover on the left picture did not work in many teeth.

Clear aligner ore clear retainer-related

Dimple forming plier

Dimple forming plier may be the only plier that you can use to improve retention of the clear aligner if it is too loose.

Dr.Kim’s pick

Pliers and instrument I don’t recommend

Bite sticks

I found it unreliable to fit bands with a bite stick because bite stick depends on patient’s biting force. I can control way better with band-pusher/ scaler paired instrument.

Band pusher with big handle/

Is this orthodontic appliance or surgical instrument?

I found that I tend to put more force than it supposed to with this type of band pusher. I prefer small currete type band pusher.

Matheu plier

For task catalogue, click here. (I’m not affiliated)