Tip 1. Take two lateral photos in 2 separate planes
Standard orthodontic photographs consists of 5 intraoral pictures and 2 facial pictures. Among them, lateral view is difficult to take in some patients. In some patients, retracting the cheek is difficult and lateral picture only shows teeth up to premolars.
Most important objective of the lateral orthodontic photography is evaluating canine and molar relationship.

If you take lateral pictures like below, canine and molar relationship looks more Class III than it is now. Your staff may take lateral photographs like that to show molars better.

In this view, we can see 3D relationship of buccal occlusion.
So how I take lateral pictures? I take standard 90 degree shot If buccal occlusion is OK and 90 degree angle view. If I like to see more, I take oblique lateral shot including 1st and 2nd molars in addition to the standard lateral picture.
Orthodontic photography guideline by American Association of Orthodontists