Bonding orthodontic brackets

Transbond XT Light cure orthodontic adhesive and primer

I use transbond XT light cure adhesive and primer in my clinic because it was used at ort

hodontic clinic in St.Louis University. I think it is the most popular product. 


Instruction for Transbond XT light cure

Make sure etch for 15 seconds.

Light curing times

1. Metal Brackets:

3 seconds mesial × 3 seconds distal

Ceramic Brackets:

3 seconds, straight through the bracket

Direct Bond Buccal Tubes:

6 seconds mesial × 6 seconds occlusal

full manual

When bonding brackets on ceramic or metal restorations

Sandblast, porcelain etchant, Assure plus

If you bond orthodontic brackets on restorations (composite resin or amalgam) or crowns (Ceramic, Zirconia or PFM), you need special primer. I use Assure plus of Reliance and porcelain etchant.


Why I like it

Because I only need porcelain etchant and assure plus to bond brackets to any restoration or prosthesis (Amalgam, composite resin, PFM, zirconia, Porcelain, Gold, Metal, etc).


Prophy the surface to be bonded with 1st & Final® oil-free pumice. Rinse and dry. Apply the etching agent to the tooth. Allow 30 seconds for etching. Rinse and dry thoroughly.

APPLICATION OF ASSURE® PLUS WITH LIGHT CURE PASTE: Apply one coat of Assure® Plus to all prepared teeth. Lightly dry with air. Proceed with placement of bracket.

BONDING TO COMPOSITE, GOLD, AMALGAM, STAINLES STEEL OR ACRYLIC TEMPORARIES: Prophy, rinse and dry. Sandblast, rinse and dry. Apply one coat of Assure® Plus All Surface Bonding Resin and lightly dry. Light cure the Assure Plus first for 10 seconds. Proceed with placement of bracket.

BONDING TO PORCELAIN AND ZIRCONIA: Prophy, rinse and dry. Sandblast, rinse and dry. Apply one coat of Porcelain Conditioner and allow to remain on surface for 2 minutes. Thoroughly air dry. Apply one coat of Assure® Plus and lightly dry with air. Light cure for 10 seconds. Proceed
with placement of bracket.

What is MBT and prescription?​

MBT stands for McLaughlin, Bennett and Trevisi. Prescription means design specifications of brackets (especially tip and torque value). 

In the early 1990s, Those three doctors  developed the MBT Appliance System. They improved bracket designs of Dr.Andrew’s pre-adjusted  appliances. Their modification became one of the most popular bracket prescription along with Roth prescription.  

At that time, most bracket systems were based on the research and techniques available at the time that Dr. Lawrence Andrews published The Six Keys to Normal Occlusion in 1972.

The MBT System updates the tip and torque values based on further research.

You don’t need to memorize the prescription value but be familiarize the concept. 

Bracket placement guide​

Bracket placement is not easy even for Dr. McLaughlin.  He gave two-day lecture at St.Louis University while I was orthodontic resident there. I personally asked about bracket placement and he said, “Direct bonding is really difficult.”

 You don’t have to be perfect with bracket bonding. It takes years. Following guide is just a guide. Each patient has different tooth anatomy and occlusion. Recent development in indirect bonding using virtual tooth setup will be the answer. 

MBT Molar tube placement​

If you’re interested in MBT techniques, read this book by Richard P. McLaughlin, John C. Bennett, Hugo J. Trevisi,  Systemized orthodontic treatment mechanics,2001