Why to learn orthodontic biomechanics? You are interested in biomechanics if you’re reading this. Congrats.! It is a good choice. But biomechanics sounds boring and…
Quiz) If brackets are not bonded, how will incisor move?
IF brackets on upper centrals are debonded, what can happen? Answer) upper centrals move buccaly until they touches upper wires You may think tooth may…
Should we get wisdom tooth extracted for orthodontic treatment?
Will wisdom tooth ruin the orthodontic treatment if not extracted? Will they make front teeth crooked again? The answer is no. Wisdom tooth does not…
Cervical vertebral maturation Staging
Sometimes, we want to know how much growth potential our patients have. There are a few methods. All of them are not perfect. One of…
Bonding orthodontic brackets
Transbond XT Light cure orthodontic adhesive and primer I use transbond XT light cure adhesive and primer in my clinic because it was used at…
Bolton’s analysis, Bolton’s ratio
Anterior ratio: 77% (sum of MD width of lower 6 anteriors/ sum of MD width of upper anteriors) Overall ratio: 91% (sum of MD width…
Andrew’s six keys to normal occlusion
Dr. Andrew’s “The six keys to the normal occlusion” is a must-read article. He invented the “Straight wire appliance” concept. Thanks to his prescription brackets,…
Open bite correction- Molar intrusion with TAD
TW Kim’s presentation Pf. Tae Woo Kim developed one of the most easiest way to correct anterior open bite. You just need to place one…
TAD informed consent
Informed consent form for orthodontic mini-screw or temporary anchorage devices (TAD) . Published by American Association of Orthodontists (AAO).
3 Orthodontic books for beginners
1. CONTEMPORARY ORTHODONTICS, PROFFIT This is the bible of orthodontic books. I haven’t read any orthodontic book that is firmly based on published articles. I…